November 11, 2010

November 11th: Risotto cakes, roasted cauliflower + tahini, apricot chicken

Try Again: risotto cakes, roasted cauliflower
Toss: tahini sauce, apricot chicken

Yay! With impeccable timing, I came across a recipe that calls for leftover risotto. Simply take your risotto, mix in some egg, scoop it into a patty, dip in flour and pan-fry. Lovely. This is what Olivia and I had for lunch today, a hearty lunch that was well-appreciated after standing in the cold and crowds that is Remembrance Day in Ottawa. Not complaining, mind you; standing in cold and crowds is much preferable to fighting in a war. Olivia was so great during the ceremony; she was quiet as can be during the moment of silence.

I don't have a pic of the Pan-fried Risotto Cakes, which I found via another blog I am following: in erika's kitchen. I didn't use the suggested bacon; cooking that would have added a step and I wasn't interested in the extra time required. I still have more risotto leftover, so I may make these again over the weekend.

I made a white supper tonight. This happens every once and awhile when I don't think things through and end up cooking all pale foods. In tonight's case, it was potatoes, chicken and cauliflower. White, white and white. The chicken was a re-try from last year: from November 2009's Today's Parent: Apricot Almond Chicken. I completely messed up this recipe, which calls for dredging the chicken in egg and breadcrumbs/almonds prior to frying. I had the chicken in the frying pan for several minutes before I realized I had completely skipped the dredging step. No biggie, thought I, and I poured the egg over top, then sprinkled on the breadcrumbs and almonds, and popped the whole deal into the oven, as per the recipe. Turned out okay, a little eggy around the edges, but whatevs. I'm tossing the recipe, however, because it was a little on the sweet side.

To accompany, I roasted some cauliflower and potatoes and made a tahini sauce to top the cauliflower. The tahini sauce wasn't as good as a cheese sauce, my favourite cauliflower topping, but the roasting was a great way to go. I have a tendency to overcook cauliflower, and roasting solved that problem. I will do that cooking method again, which came from November 2010's Chatelaine: Roasted Cauliflower and Tahini.

Teaching my last BodyFlow class for probably (hopefully only!) 8 weeks or so tomorrow, must go get some rest so I can make it a good one...

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you liked the risotto cakes - I always make extra risotto just so I have enough to make these the next day. Glad to have found your blog!
