January 12, 2011

January 12th: Glass Noodle Vegetable Salad + Cheese & Mushrooms on toast

Whilst home in Nova Scotia for Christmas, I was given an assignment: my sister's friend Lindsay gave my sister Shannon a cookbook for Christmas and requested I make some recipes out of the cookbook and report back on them. Lindsay also has a copy of the cookbook. The only thing missing from this puzzle is that I do not have the cookbook, which I see as an oversight. Let's double this with the fact that Lindsay didn't look me up when she last visited Ottawa, and I think perhaps she is owing me. However, being January and not wanting to start the new year off by holding grudges, I have gladly taken on the assignment. My husband, being a tech junkie, willingly took pictures with his iphone of a number of the cookbook's tasty-looking recipes for me to work from at home on the ipad. In order for this plan to work, I need the ipad to be home with me and not at work with him, when it comes time to cook. Sigh...

Thus, this evening I cooked our vegetarian meal of the week, from Company's Coming Inviting Asian Flavours: Glass Noodle Salad. This is a basic Thai rice noodle salad with tonnes of veggies and a fish sauce/lime juice dressing (does the fish sauce make it non-vegetarian? Doh!).

To accompany, I repeated a recipe Shannon made on the weekend when she was visiting us (courtesy her friend Shannon): fry mushrooms, flavour with a bit of honey, layer on top of warmed-up Oka and serve with crackers, or, in our case, toasted Belgian bread.

The two recipes did not necessarily complement one another, but they were both good in their own right.

L&S: verdict on the recipe: toss.  I often find Asian dishes require so much prep that I'd rather go out and buy them (usually for pretty cheap) than put in the effort myself. However, if you don't have Thai restaurants at your easy disposal, this is a good recipe to try at home. Definitely needs a side--maybe spring rolls would be more fitting!--or else you will be hungry again in short order.

If, unlike L&S, you don't have this cookbook, and are dying for the recipe, let me know and I'll send it to you. :)


  1. Completely unrelated to this post:

    I've decided to do the tangy maple meatball recipe from your Christmas collection for Grandma's 80th. So although, you won't be there at the party in person, your food will!!

  2. Definitely an oversight Kirsten and I recognize I owe you! But in my defence, the last two (yes two) times I was in Ottawa consisted of once when I was there for about 24 hours and the other was only for the Remembrance Day ceremony. I hate having to choose between you and my husband who lives 2 hours away from you.

    Thanks for testing the recipe...I think I'll give it a whirl!


  3. Kudos on the use of "whilst". Joel

  4. @ Jill: excellent! I hope you enjoy them! For the Christmas party, we actually cooked them in advance (sans sauce), then sauced them and heated them up the day of. Turned out well.

    @ Lindsay: I hope you know I wasn't serious. It can be tricky to jest in writing. But you are always welcome to visit us if you are in the area.

    @ Joel: thanks. Never quite confident about pronunciation, but sure of use.

  5. Apparently I forgot to use the sarcasm font...I was just kidding too! And I do promise that I will grace you with my presence at some point whilst Dennis is at RMC ;)

