October 13, 2010

October 13th: garlic + lemon + cilantro = yummy spinach and fish

Try Again: fish & squash recipes

I should work a two-day work week every week. Two productive days, sandwiched between two four-day weekends, makes for one happy Kirsten. Tonight, to celebrate: healthy, tasty foods from October 2010's Chatelaine: Seared trout and spinach salad with Sweet & spicy squash. Greg's on the fence about the fish and I'm on the fence about the squash, so I guess we'll keep both recipes and try them again. This is not how it's supposed to work. The criterion is simple: we both need to love the recipe in order to keep it. Sometimes we just can't agree though.

The fish recipe called for salmon but I subbed in trout. The dressing for the salad called for one clove garlic, but I upped it to four. Who doesn't love more garlic? There was enough garlic and lemon to mute the flavour of the cilantro, which Greg loathes, so everyone was happy to eat it. Olivia sampled fresh cilantro and parsley as I was herb-chopping, but she didn't dig them overly much. She did eat up her meal though, then cake, then a pickle, then cheese, then milk. Her appetite goes on and on.

The squash I was working with was not of the best quality, so it wasn't as easy to judge the squash recipe. That's part of the reason I want to try it again: the curry topping was good and I want to give it more of a fair shot.

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