December 6, 2010

December 6th: Perogies with garlic spinach

We're getting close to Christmas and I've got perogies on my mind. Not just any perogies. Dad's perogies. No joke, my dad makes the best perogies in the whole wide world. I know all you folks of eastern European descent with family recipes are already protesting, but it's true. It's all about the love. Perogies are a Christmas Eve tradition, and therefore, one that I've missed out on for too many years, as I no longer spend Christmas with my family. Let's not go there.

Full disclosure: I hate making perogies. I don't have the patience for the amount of labour they require as compared to the small amount of time they get eaten in. It's a whole production line thing that George and Shannon are good at, and I am not. (I am good at eating them, though.)

So I buy M&M Meat Shops perogies. These are NO WHERE near as good as the real thing, but I make do. Tonight, I made do with the following recipe from December 2010's Chatelaine: Perogies with garlic spinach. This was a pretty tasty meal, and yes, easy to boot. Not quite an entire meal on its own, but with some broccoli on the side, and with me eating part of Olivia's serving (5 perogies are a bit much for her), I was pretty full when all was said and done. I added some salt, pepper and fresh lemon juice to my spinach, as it needed a bit of jazzing up. The perogies don't need anything more than the tasty lemon-yogurt dip.


  1. Perogies need fried onions and sour cream!

  2. Ahhh, I finally had a mention in the 'blog'!

    After the boil, it is nice to brown the perogies with the onions. True, you cannot have enough onions.

    Maybe between the 27-30, there will have to be an effort!


  3. In this case, we had fried onions in the spinach, so that seemed enough. I liked the yogurt as an alternative to the sour cream; Greg would have preferred the latter. Georgie, I am making you all famous one at a time. Maybe you and Shan can put in the effort prior to the 27th, and I can reap the benefits 27-30 (hint hint).
