December 24, 2010

December 21st-23rd: the best of Christmas week cooking

If you can imagine, Christmas week has been on the hectic side, and there's been little time for cooking, let alone posting. Rather, there has been night after night of staying up til midnight prepping: painting, cooking (for later) and a bit of wrapping. With the culmination of the preparations over (AKA Christmas Eve eve party), I can now sit back and relax. Or cook some more, which is more likely.

As a retrospective, I'll just touch on some yummies this week:

Lemon Chicken Stew
From In Erika's Kitchen. I made this on Monday night and we ate it on Tuesday night. This is a simple chicken thigh-based stew and it's a slow cook (2 hours on the stove-top), but the meat falls apart with a fork when it is done. Lovely. It's really strong in lemon flavour, a bit more than I would like (and I love lemon!). I didn't add figs though (pure laziness, and note the above busy-ness of the week) and I didn't have as much meat as the recipe called for; those two items may have cut the sourness. The stew also has olives, which are soft and slip right off the pits. Have I mentioned my child's love for olives? She digs strong flavours. Greg gave her all of his.

Candied Pecans
From Cooking With My Kid. I made this for our Christmas Eve eve party, and received several compliments on them. These are really easy, just a slow cook again (1 hour). I didn't know what baker's sugar is, nor could I find it in the grocery store, so I used half icing sugar and half granulated. Worked out just fine.

From December 2010's Chatelaine. Pecan-Cranberry Granola. I also made this for our Christmas Eve eve party but had some with yogurt for breakfast for a few days in advance of the party. I don't think many people tried it but that's okay because I loved it and will eat it up myself.

People also loved the prosciutto-wrapped dates and Parmesan.

Top row L-R: salami + olives; salami + tomatoes
Middle row: prosciutto + dates + Parmesan
Bottom row: prosciutto + dates + Parmesan; salami + olives
This is not even close to the amount of food I've cooked this week, but why inundate you when I can highlight the best?

Merry Christmas to all. :)


  1. Kirsten i really cannot approve of this blog. so what. you go home from work every day cook all evening, fall into bed and repeat all week then spend the weekends cooking more? you are makin me look like a lazy rube.

    love Aaron

  2. Don't forget the laundry. Sorry. It's partly compulsion. It's partly pure fun. It's partly I'm the most particular person I know and I have to please myself. The unexpected side effect is that my child has the best developed palate of any 2 year old I've met, which just adds motivation.

    Also, I don't do much else.

  3. Your house looks lovely and tidy, and what an emminently reasonabe number of gifts under the tree. Your passion and dedication to cooking was a matter of brief discussion during Christmas dinner at the farm. Mention of OCD came up, but just perhaps because I think Bronwyn has a touch and therefore all day we sisters were seeing it in one another. A little is a good thing, right?:-)

  4. A touch of OCD, yes, but my system has flexibility built in. We decided Christmas morning we had too many gifts; O would have been fine with just one.

  5. I mentioned to Aaron on the phone the other day that all this cooking leaves no time for playing the mandolin.
