December 1, 2010

December 1st: spicy southwest pork tenderloin

From the keeper book, from July 2006's Chatelaine: Spicy southwest pork tenderloin (that's my name for the recipe). I keep it simple and use Tabasco, not chipotle pepper. Mm mm mm.

The sauces in the background are really what the recipe is all about. In our case: L: no cilantro, R: cilantro. I'm such a good wife, I put up with such effrontery in my kitchen (no cilantro, that is). I don't think I boiled my sauce down enough tonight; it was on the runny side. Been awhile since I last made this, so I can't remember.
Yes, I know. It's a barbecue recipe and it's December 1st. We're having freakishly warm weather in Ottawa, my barbecue knobs unfroze, and I took advantage of it. I think you could bake the tenderloin just as easily.

Likely won't be posting for a few days. O is off to the grandparents, and I'm off to Montreal!


  1. Your pictures are getting much higher in quality; awesome job team blogosphere!

  2. I have a really hard time taking pictures of white things; we have a relatively old, breaking-down camera, and everything white comes out glaring. Green, on the other hand, poses no problems.
