March 31, 2013

March 23rd: Baked 3-cheese tomato strata

From October 2012's Chatelaine (but I feel like I made this once ages ago?): Baked 3-cheese tomato strata, or, as I call it: egg-filled bread. Basically a hollowed-out loaf of bread filled with eggs and baked until they are done. Wait until the eggs puff up, or else they will be runny inside! Lesson learned the hard way. Topped with roasted tomatoes, pretty much the only way I like tomatoes, and so yummy.

Eggs NOT puffed up enough. Runny when cut open.
Back into the oven with ye.

Individual serving with oh-so-delicious roasted tomatoes.


  1. Recipe sux. Cooked it longer than advised, was quite puffed up, knife came out clean... Cut into it ten minutes later, runny city. Collapsed. Soggy sloppy mess. So annoyed.

    Taste was okay but dont even care.would have been much happier with the same ingredients in an omelette.

  2. Sorry to hear it didn't work out; it's a tricky recipe. Bread size, oven temperature, cook time could all be factors.
