April 30, 2013

April 30th: slow-cooker baked potatoes

I received a big slow cooker for Christmas. I already own one, but it is a teeny tiny one that I bought in university when I was cooking for one. I've gotten a tonne of use out of the new slow cooker over the past few months, especially throughout the winter when Olivia had skating lessons at an awkward time on Wednesday nights. I used the slow cooker almost every Wednesday, and we would come home, famished, to a supper ready to eat.

I came across this recipe for baked potatoes in a slow cooker, which I thought sounded interesting. Baked potatoes in the oven aren't hard, but the slow cooker provides that advantage of cooking in the morning and being done for the day. Also the advantage of not turning on the oven, which is a bonus this time of year as it is getting warmer every day. The recipe is simple enough: clean and oil potatoes, prick with a fork, wrap in foil, 8 hours on low, done. They were delicious.

From The Yummy Life: Slow Cooker Baked Potatoes.

In the morning, ready to cook.

In the evening, ready to eat.



1 comment:

  1. I want one. That's my Irish coming out. Mom
