September 15, 2011

September 7th: chicken enchiladas

Not my usual inspiration for recipes: this one came to me by way of a review on facebook, and the link introduced me to Pinterest, which I hadn't come across before. The recipe itself - Chicken Enchiladas - is from a blog called Pink Parsley. I cut back on both the chili powder and the fresh jalapeno, and Olivia still said it was too spicy, so thank goodness I cut out what I did. I used chicken thighs rather than breasts, as they stand up better to the longer cooking. Greg fell in love with me over this meal; I have to say, I saw that coming. These are really good. Warning: Time Consuming!


  1. I am so far behind on your blog I hardly know where to start. But I must ask, had Greg fallen out of love prior to the enchiladas?

  2. Oh, he wouldn't dare. It's good to reinforce love through the stomach though, regularly, I think.

  3. B made these last night. He complained the entire time about the amount of work (I gave him 5 different recipes off your blog, he chose this one), but they were amazesauce and we loved them. Om nom noms.

  4. Ha ha! As long as it was worth it in the end!
