February 13, 2011

February 11th: shrimp vol-au-vents

Friday night and I am teaching a class at a club in Kanata: a half hour drive on a regular night, up to an hour and a half on game night. Tonight, happily, there was no game. Since I started teaching this class in January, we've worked out a routine where I teach, Greg takes the class and Olivia stays home with a babysitter. Food for O and babysitter needs to be provided and ideally, we would like to eat too, before or after class, or both. The last few weeks we've been doing take out because Fridays get to be too busy and we can't find time to prepare something. Today, after spending the week eating out in Edmonton, I really wanted to cook, so set aside some time. For the girls, I made a salad and pinwheel peanut butter and jam sandwiches. When we got home from the gym, and after putting O to bed, we finished off the salad and I cooked up some shrimp vol-au-vents. I got the idea for this one from an LCBO flyer, although I simplified it a bit. Weirdly, the LCBO website has a completely different recipe for this than the one I made. Anyway, we decided to toss the recipe, as it was too rich with cream and oil and puff pastry. Good, but too much.

We finished the night by watching Never Let Me Go, which was depressing as all get out, but really good. It's been stuck in my head all weekend.

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